The heads-up display includes, alongside information about the race, a detailed map, but this display can be turned off. Environmental conditions that traverse all modes include weather (sunny, rainy, cloudy, and snowy), time of day (sunrise, afternoon, sunset, and night-time), and the density of pedestrians, traffic, and police vehicles. All of these modes except Cruise are divided into missions completing one unlocks the next. In the Cruise mode, the player can simply explore the city at their own pace. Two sequels followed, with Midtown Madness 2 released in September 2000 and Midtown Madness 3 released in June 2003 for the Xbox. The demo version was released on April 30, 1999. The Checkpoint mode combines the features of Blitz and Circuit has the player race against other cars to a destination-but also adds the complication of other traffic, such as police cars and pedestrians. Midtown Madness (also known as Midtown Madness: Chicago Edition) is a racing game developed for Windows by Angel Studios and published by Microsoft. When switching between open programs using the ALT+TAB key combination, Midtown Madness may unexpectedly minimize 6.4. If you install Microsoft Windows 98 SE (Second Edition) on your computer after installing Midtown Madness 6.3. The Circuit mode curtains off most of the city to resemble race tracks and pits the player against other cars. Windows Screen Saver function does not work when playing Midtown Madness 6.2. In Blitz, the player must swing through three checkpoints and drive to the finish line within a time limit. Midtown Madness features four single-player modes: Blitz, Circuit, Checkpoint, and Cruise.